At a recent Women in Mining event I attended, an interesting question was asked of the panel. It related to an observation that men and women differ in the level of clarity they have around career goals - that men can generally state their goals explicitly whereas women are less likely to be able to. The question was "how can a mentor best assist a mentee who isn't clear on their goals?"
I’ve heard similar statements before in the context of job interviews, especially regarding salary aspirations. We know that women can be just as ambitious as men, so what is it that stops them from defining what they want the way men do?
Here are some suggestions of the powers at play here.
Progression is expected of men
Just as society holds an image of the expected role of women, men are also subjected to certain expectations. Social norms dictate that men are expected to progress in their careers, to get promoted and ultimately be the provider for their families. It is natural, therefore, for men to think about what that next step is to meet the will of the society around them. For women, such planning requires deliberate, mindful effort against the tide.
The double bind
Women are also subjected to the "double-bind", a term which describes the negative correlation between a woman's level of success and her likeability. Simply put, women may risk losing friends by being ambitious so it's hardly surprising if they hesitate in committing to a lofty goal.
Lack of confidence
Hesitantly, I also suggest that lack of confidence is a factor. I hesitate because I dislike highlighting this issue given the negative connotation of women being somehow weaker.
I also believe, however, that confidence it is not a fixed attribute and varies with circumstance. Lacking confidence when you work in an industry which is dominated by the opposite sex is natural (I have heard numerous senior men admit to being nervous speaking in front of a crowd of women) and, whether unconscious or conscious, it could be holding women back.
Women may have a more complex view of their options
A final suggestion is that perhaps women have a more complex notion of ambition. For women, wanting to progress may not necessarily mean rising through the ranks in the conventional way. Women's salaries are more often the secondary income and with this can come the relative luxury of lower pressure on their earnings to provide for themselves and their family*. This can afford women greater freedom to pursue their interests and more meaningful or satisfying work but in the process, may allow so many options making choosing a path more difficult.
* This is obviously not always the case and I acknowledge that some women are the primary provider for their families.
But let's return to the question. "In the context of mentoring, how can a mentor assist mentees who are unsure of their goals?"
The short answer is that it’s simply not part of the mentor’s job description. Sponsorship, mentoring, career coaching and career counselling are all different functions and for help figuring out what you want, you should be turning to a career counsellor.
A career counsellor
helps you figure out what you want,
A career coach
helps you get what you want,
A mentor
helps you get what you want with the added bonus of relevant knowledge and experience, and
A sponsor
puts your name forward for opportunities and vouches for you.
So if you find yourself in the position of feeling like you don't have a clue what you want, don't despair! There are plenty of resources you can turn to (drop me a line, I am happy to point you to some) - but also don’t be afraid to seek assistance from a career counsellor. It’s no different to seeking the help of a coach, mentor or sponsor, which we know can all be incredibly effective, and it could save yourself a LOT of time by getting your goals right before you set about achieving them.
A final thought for organisations out there, perhaps it's time to consider investing in career counselling for your employees. Your mentoring programs may not be effective without it.
Anna is a Career Counsellor, Program Creator and ex-Geophysicist.
She spent 14 years in the corporate mining world before doing a U-turn towards the work she finds most meaningful. After completing a Master of Career Development, earning her stripes in the university environment, she built her private practice.
Now Anna now guides other mid-career professionals through the process of self-discovery to find a career which lights them up.
She offers a free Zoom call
to help professionals who are feeling stuck and confused about their career path to take the next step.
She also has a free online webinar
where you can learn more about her process and client stories, "How to discover, with 100% confidence, the best career for you".